Usuario trawara

Antigüedad: 2 meses (desde Jul 28)
Tipo: Usuario registrado
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Acerca de mí: When I needed help with lifting heavy furniture to upper floors in New Jersey, I chose MaxiMoving and their Hoisting service.  It was a great decision. From the very beginning, the MaxiMoving team demonstrated great professionalism. The manager explained the entire process in detail and answered all my questions, which gave me confidence in my choice. On the day of the move, the staff arrived on time and got to work right away. Lifting heavy furniture is not an easy task, but the MaxiMoving team handled it flawlessly. They used specialized equipment and techniques to safely lift my belongings to the right floor. Everything was done quickly and neatly, with no damage to the furniture or building. I would especially like to note the staff's attentiveness to every detail of the process. They not only lifted the furniture safely, but also helped to place it in the new room, taking into account all my wishes. I was extremely satisfied with the Hoisting service from MaxiMoving. Their professionalism, attention to detail and customer care made the entire lifting process easy and stress-free. I recommend this company to anyone who needs professional help with lifting heavy items to upper floors.

Actividad de trawara

Puntos: 100 puntos (lugar #253)
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